The celebration of friendship

1 min readAug 6, 2023

Friendships are special because they are relations we get to choose. They are different parts of us. Every friend has something different to offer. Some friends are great company, some friends teach you how to have fun, some friends are a safe space to be vulnerable, some friends accept us fully with all our imperfections, some friends share our passion, some inspire you with their passion. The list goes on.

Having said that, not all friends are for life. Some come to us in certain stages of our lives, have good and bad times and drift apart. These friends turn into memories, they turn into lessons, they help us understand our fallacies and imperfections. They help us grow. Like a co-passenger on a train journey, they drop off earlier because our destinations are not the same.

Friendships are like spices, the different mix of people bring different flavours. Some are like chilly flakes, you need it but not too much. Some are like sugar, where desserts are necessary for special occasions. Some are like turmeric, they add colour to life. While some are like salt, the ones you cannot live without. Overall, as long as the “Curry of life” tastes good, we can be assured that we have made the right choice.

Happy friendship day to all my dear friends! ❤

